IFRS 9 vs. IFRS 13 with a special emphasis on impairment modelling and fair value measurement October 25, 2018, Warsaw More info: info@advancedtrainings.pl By paulina|2018-09-12T20:19:09+02:0025 października 2018|archives2018|0 komentarzy Podziel się tym ze znajomymi! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail Podobne wpisy Changes due to new anti-money laundering legislation December 11, 2018 Gallery Changes due to new anti-money laundering legislation December 11, 2018 SYNERGY. Integrative function of balance sheet management in bank management November 19-20, 2018 Warsaw Gallery SYNERGY. Integrative function of balance sheet management in bank management November 19-20, 2018 Warsaw From CRR to BRRD, LCR and NSFR workshop. Liquidity risk daily and during the crisis. Computer workshop. November 15-16, 2018, Warsaw Gallery From CRR to BRRD, LCR and NSFR workshop. Liquidity risk daily and during the crisis. Computer workshop. November 15-16, 2018, Warsaw Currency risk management in a company November 19, 2018, Katowice Gallery Currency risk management in a company November 19, 2018, Katowice