Responses to complaints according to expectations of client and regulator. Difficult customer service. 15-16.10.15 View Larger Image Więcej informacji: By paulina|2015-08-27T08:36:38+02:0027 sierpnia 2015|archives2015, archives|0 komentarzy Podziel się tym ze znajomymi! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail Podobne wpisy Main changes in banking law in 2015 – 7.12.2015 Gallery Main changes in banking law in 2015 – 7.12.2015 New act regarding covered bonds and mortgage banks. 3.12.2015 Gallery New act regarding covered bonds and mortgage banks. 3.12.2015 Model Risk Management, 2nd edition. 26-27.11.2015 Gallery Model Risk Management, 2nd edition. 26-27.11.2015 Options on the financial markets 26-27.11.15 Warsaw Gallery Options on the financial markets 26-27.11.15 Warsaw