Opiekun projektu
Katarzyna Kwiatkowska-Olejnik
Koordynator Projektów Szkoleniowych
T +48 533 055 553

Who will take part:
- risk managers
- fintech experts
- auditors
- specialists responsible for ML and AI development
Main subjects:
- Machine learning regulations
- Machine learning models vs standard models
- Machine learning models risk
- Organizational aspects of machine learning
- Explainability of algorithms as a challenge on the example of creditworthiness
- Machine learning in credit risk
- The use of machine learning models for PD/LGD estimation
- Using ML & AI to modernize the corporate business units
More information: info@advancedtrainings.pl
You will have an opportunity to hear about the experience of representatives of:
Bird & Bird
ING Tech Poland
BNP Paribas